Our qualified technicians performed a Carrier AC replacement in San Jose, California. The customer wished to replace the existing system with a very similar model, but newer. They also wished to move the coil below the stand to make room for filter box up top. Finally, the customer asked for a new lineset rerouted through garage wall with lineset cover and a new disconnect.
How Do You Complete a Carrier AC Replacement?
First, our technicians dismounted, hauled away and recycled the old system. Then they installed a new system according to the building standards. During this project we served:
Carrier" 58TP1A070V1716 Performance Series 80% Two Stage Furnace with VCT Motor;
CNPVT3617ALA Coils Puron Refrigerant;
Carrier 24ACB736A003 24ACB7 Performance Series 15-17 SEER 2-Stage Air Conditioner 3TON;
Nest Thermostat;
EZ Flex Cabinet Air Filter or Colombia - S150 Filter box;
Condenser Sound Blanket.
Qualified EPA certified specialists provided this Carrier AC replacement, besides, Fuse provides a 3 years warranty for HVAC-installation labor.