How do you perform a HVAC System Replacement?
First of all, it was necessary to make extremely precise measurements. Therefore, our technicians measured all the distances between the house and the fence, how far was the wall and the dryer vent from the future position of the unit. Afterwards, Fuse technicians could start heat pump system installation.During this project they installed:
- A/C Condensers Bryant 189BNV049000 (EVOLUTION 19 SEER PURON VS A/C) TON;
- Furnace Bryant 926TB48080V17 Preferred 96 Two Stage Gas Furnace;
- Coils ADP C48A175L Up/Down Coils Puron Refrigerant (186);
- Air Purifier Bryant Evolution™ Air Purifier;
- Bryant Preferred™ Series UV Lamp 2 Lamp systemUVLBB2LP.