How Do You Complete a Carrier Heat Pump Installation?
First, our technicians had to get all the necessary paperwork for the home improvement. Once the permits were settled, Fuse techs started the installation. During this project they delivered:- Heat pump Carrier 25VNA4060000 HEAT PUMP (Infinity® 24 Heat Pump With Greenspeed® Intelligence 24 VARIABLE-SPEED;
- FE4ANF Carrier FE4ANB006L00 Infinity Series Fan Coil with Communicating ECM Motor;
- Evolution Damper Control Module SYSTXBB4ZC01;
- Greenspeed Intelligence Round Zone Damper 14 DAMPRND14INC-B;
- Control Your Home From Your Phone ÿ CARRIER Infinity® Control Model SYSTXBBECC01-B;
- CARRIER Infinity® Control Smart Sensor SYSTXZNSMS01;
- Air purifier Carrier Infinity® Air Purifier DGAPA MERV15.