Our licensed technicians performed a Bryant heater installation in Menlo Park, California. With the weather becoming colder it is important that your house stays always warm and nice. But what if your furnace stopped working? That is exactly what happened to one of our customers. The reason for it was that their furnace was too old and gave up on heating. Fuse specialists suggested to replace the system with a Bryant model with the heating efficiency up to 96% AFUE. No winter is cold with such a furnace!
How Do You Perform Bryant Heater Installation?
First, our technicians dismounted, hauled away and recycled the old system. Then they started the installation of the new furnace according to the building standards. During this project Fuse delivered:
Bryant 926TB60100V21 Preferred 96 Two Stage Gas Furnace;
Qualified EPA certified specialists provided this installation of Bryant HVAC system. Besides, Fuse provides a 3 years warranty for HVAC-installation labor.